Construction companies are beginning to appreciate artificial intelligence and robotics for multiple challenges.

robotic and construccion

Construction companies are beginning to appreciate artificial intelligence and robotics for multiple challenges.

The construction industry relies on human labor for most projects, from start to finish. But companies are finally beginning to realize the potential of artificial intelligence and robotics. When you look at a completed building, you assume that human workers did everything, from moving the earth to installing plumbing and hanging lights. But could a building someday be constructed entirely by robots?

Labor shortages have hit the construction industry hard. Millions of jobs are unfilled. Construction companies struggle to hire workers.

Specific Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Construction service robots often have a specific application. For example, robots have been designed to assist with masonry tasks like bricklaying and delivering cement blocks, thus relieving physical strain. Robots perform the work faster and allow workers to focus on more skilled tasks, such as checking the quality of mortar joints.

Other robots used on the job site include drones equipped with 3D vision and AI. These drones fly around the work and track how much work has been completed. This information is critical for a contractor who may be penalized for not meeting a deadline or incentivized to finish the work ahead of schedule while meeting a certain quality standard.

Some workers use supportive robotic vests that reduce fatigue while performing tasks such as drilling. Other designs include robots that drive around the job site and mark the locations of walls and other features, using blueprints as a source.

Do you want to know more about robots?

They don’t hurt their muscles. They don’t need breaks. And they don’t call in sick.

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