RFID Cabinets

RFID Cabinets

The Athos™ Dosys custody cabinet is a smart cabinet with controlled access based on RFID technology, designed for management, control, and advanced security requirements, ensuring thorough control and particularly suitable for the storage of high-cost medications and medical products with high patient traceability requirements.

Using RFID technology, the Athos™ Dosys cabinets provide real-time information about the labeled contents of the cabinet, allowing healthcare institutions to control and track medications and any other medical materials promptly.

Scalable solution tailored to your requirements


Automate management and increase the security of your medical supplies.

  • Precise and real-time stock control of each cabinet.
  • Product location (traceability).
  • Assignment to the physician and allocation to the patient of the extracted medical product.
  • Expiration date control.
  • Automatic replenishment orders with precision.
  • More secure product control.

Are you ready to automate your processes?

We’re here to accompany you
in your technological transformation.